When Do We Need Couple's Communication?
Whenever you or your spouse, or both, think that your marriage is in jeopardy, or feel things just aren't the way they should be, then Couple's Communication may be the answer.
Few things in life bring more hurt, uncertainty, and fear than marital difficulty. Life as you hoped it would be seems irretrievably lost. The sooner you begin to change the way you and your spouse/partner communicate the better your life will be. When you or your spouse/partner decides that your marriage or relationship may be in jeopardy, then it's time to call Mulford Mediation and ask about Couple's Communciation. We can help.
"Calm, rational. That's the first time I have been able to apply those words to this situation."
The earlier you address your marital issues, the more alternatives you will find for successful resolution, but no matter what stage you are in, Couple's Communication can help.
Mulford Mediation does not have a pre-determined agenda. For some couples, separation and divorce is their preferred path. Mulford Mediation assists those couples in creating a plan for the future to address all the issues those couples will face. Some couples do not want to end their marriage/relationship, but do not want to continue it the way it is. Some of these couples have tried marriage counseling. Mulford Mediation does not provide marriage counseling. Mr. Mulford is not a therapist. However, as a mediator for over thirty years, Mr. Mulford has helped couples change the way they communicate. In doing so, the couple discovers that their prior communication process was the problem, not each other.
"I wish we'd known this sooner. This changes the way I feel about our future."
Mulford Mediation promotes giving you and your spouse/partner the opportunity to decide what is best for you and then guiding you through to your specific solution. Whenever you and your spouse/partner are ready to address the issues of your marriage/relationship, call us and ask about Couple's Communication.