The Couple's Communication Process
At Mulford MEDIATION a fulltime professional mediator with a legal background and years of experience and training, will guide you and your spouse to a place where each of you can answer the toughest questions any marriage will ever face:
Whether to divorce, or give your marriage another try; Questions about money; The home; Your children. We help couples communicate to resolve your important issues. Above all, we help you control the outcome.
Mulford MEDIATION will provide a structure that will help each of you sort through your differing perspectives, consider alternatives that you may not have seen before, and allow you to make collective decisions about your future.
Unlike the legal system, Mulford MEDIATION will not impose a decision on you. However, the agreements that you and your spouse reach in mediation will be legally binding and accepted by the legal system. Of course, the legal system remains an option if you choose. For many, the thought of adversarial attorneys and judges making decisions that will affect their lives is not only unacceptable, but far too expensive.
If you decide that separation or divorce is your best alternative, then Mulford MEDIATION will help you create a thorough, written agreement, often referred to as a separation agreement, a property settlement agreement, or a "PSA." If you decide to reconcile your marriage, then Mulford MEDIATION will help you and your spouse create a shared awareness of the issues that led you to mediation, create solutions to those issues, and develop successful processes for addressing those and other future issues in the context of your marriage.